If you’re a Concrete Producer, you need to check out this section!
WE have solutions to help you better manage your waste water and concrete waste materials, saving you time, money, space, and effort.
Washout Watchdog® for The Plant:

The Alpha Dog Porta-Pit
The Alpha Dog Porta-Pit
The Alpha Dog holds about 3.5 yards. We call it an “above ground pit”. The entire idea is that if we can capture all the rock and the sand and let all the cement water roll into the pit, we’re going to have to dig out the pit a lot less often. If we can keep the cement water in Pit #1 circulating, then we take and treat the cement water and solution a lot easier than just letting it settle.
Bottom Only Includes: 100” x 58” x 45” (It is the size of two large pallets, 45” high).
14 side supports/metal halo lip protector 100” X 58”.
Holds approximately 3.5 yards of materials/700 Gallons/500 yards of chute rinses.
8-inch metal fork lift channels with fork lift dumping system bars.
Lid Options Includes: 1” x 1” rubber seal, 26 Heavy Duty Ratchets with straps, 10” center lid.

Self-Contained Water Treatment System
Self-Contained Water Treatment System
Can be used onsite at a temporary batch plant, construction site, or in a ready mix or pre-cast yard. Advantage of this system, treatment bins are easily emptied and re-used.

Filter Press (WTS Envirosystem)
Filter Press (WTS Envirosystem)
Completely remove all the slurry from the water (TSS) and neutralize it with a CO2 system.

BFK Reclaimers
BFK Reclaimers
Retitle: BFK Reclaimers

CO2 Water Treatment and Materials Handling
CO2 Water Treatment and Materials Handling
Ready Mix and Precast Plants can generate thousands of gallons of waste washout water a day. This washout water is commonly stored in washout pits and/or tanks.
Washout and Storm water pits come in all shapes, sizes and numbers. A pit system volume can range from under a 1000 gallons to over 50,000 gallons. The number of pits can range from 1 to over 6 and typically wired together.
Washout and Storm water can be extremely caustic with a pH as high as 13. Suspended solids (TSS) can range in the thousands. In addition, it contains heavy metals. Several studies have suggested that using concrete washout can lower the strength of concrete.
ATSI’s CO2 system is designed to treat the washout pit continuously. The system monitors the pH of the water in the pit and adds CO2 gas to reduce and automatically control the pH to a desired setpoint typically below 9.0.
CO2 in water makes carbonic acid which reacts with the caustic calcium and magnesium hydroxide in the washout water and converts them into carbonates. The reaction results in a particulate which settles out of solution quickly making pH adjusted clear water. Many heavy metals are captured by the settled particulates.
The ATSI System and CO2 gas turns a washout pit from a cesspool into a swimming pool in a couple of hours. This water is clear and not exothermic. It can be used throughout the plant without compromising the strength of the concrete. Also, it discharged into the sewer or environment with the proper permit.

DrumBlaster Build Up Control Technology
DrumBlaster Build Up Control Technology
A fully automated buildup control system that effectively cuts cleaning time, reduces water consumption, and frees up the driver to perform other tasks. The five-minute power wash cycles save time and money, putting more trucks on the road faster, increasing carry capacity, improving mix quality, and reducing fuel consumption.
You simply back up to the bump stop, which aligns the boom to the center of the drum every time.
The driver activates the green start button on the weather-proof control panel and uses the key fob reader, to activate the fleet management system. Each truck is assigned its own unique key fob which DrumBlaster recognizes as an individual and unique vehicle with its own height, angle of entry, and drum depth characteristics.
The power wash cycle time is set and locked in on the board PLC. Then, in a World-First, while the drum remains stationary, DrumBlaster’s rotating head spins inside the drum for maximum safety, cleaning both sides of the blades using multiple pressure nozzles.
For exactly five minutes, the power wash cycle thoroughly blasts the drum interior with up to 10 passes, concentrating on the rear section to ensure the best possible clean every time.
The Fleet Management system records the process and sends a digital report to management.
The DrumBlaster v4 is a great return on investment. The more trucks using DrumBlaster, the faster the ROI.
DrumBlaster v4, leading the way in Build-up Control Technology worldwide.
For more information on DrumBlaster, contact us at 626-893-4170opens phone dialer