Second Revenue Opportunity
Fibo Collect – Grow Your Business with a Self-Service Concrete Plant

Enable Your Community with Concrete 24/7
- Give contractors and individuals in your community
the opportunity to buy competitively priced, quality
concrete, without creating waste and spill. - Use an automated system requiring a limited
workforce to create a profitable business for both
yourself and your customers. - Enable your customers to collect concrete when
they need it for their projects 24/7.
Fibo Collect Gives You Multiple Opportunities to…
- Compete with the rising cost of delivered concrete
- Be price competitive in your market/regional community.
- Provide the exact quality and volume requested by your customer.
- Provide concrete with optimized production (without waste and spill).
- Offer 24/7 concrete batching for customers automatically.
- Create business with and for local artisans and craftsmen.
- Work with local recycling yards for aggregates.
- Make an upsale – combine concrete with your existing business.
- Earn “green money” by reducing CO2, carbon footprint, pollution, waste and spill.
Please contact us for more information on this revenue opportunity at .